2012-2048...Republican WRI - IND Presidential Candidate...This General Election...until elected!
2012-2048...Republican WRI - IND Presidential Candidate...This General Election...until elected!
SILVIA STAGG CITED IN WIKIMEDIA Article Listing 2020 Female Presidential - Vice Presidential Cites Silvia Stagg Ballot Accessed TEN States And Cited In 2020 Ballotpedia with Photo! PDF File
Campaign - General Election Season and Schedule For Silvia Stagg
2011 - 2012 - Primary and General Election
2015 - 2016 - Primary and General Election
2019 - 2020 - Primary and General Election
2023 - 2024 - Primary and General Election
2027 - 2028 - Primary and General Election
2031 - 2032 - Primary and General Election
2035 - 2036 - Primary and General Election
2039 - 2040 - Primary and General Election
2043 - 2044 - Primary and General Election
Your Financial Assistance Will Ensure Positive Transformation Of The World Through Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs created by Silvia Stagg!
2012-2048...UNTIL ELECTED!
Summary of Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Program - Presidential Planet Management Program
by Silvia Stagg
Original 2008 Notarized Summary of Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs
Silvia Stagg Is Seeking A Vice President! Become Informed - Increase Voter/Elector Signatures To Qualify For State Primaries - Caucuses - General Elections In All Fifty USA States To Win! Win! Back the White House!
Below Article:
Article Cites
"...Silvia Stagg As A Truly Bipartisan Presidential Candidate..."
PDF File Politico Influence
Who are we?...Life...We are Life...Please Care about Life...It's about Life Extension!
Support and VOTE for Life Extension...Support and
VOTE Silvia Stagg For President!
VOTE Silvia Stagg For President!
Silvia Stagg For President 2012-2048
A REP WRI - IND Presidential General Election!
...until elected US President!
Your Contributions Are Always Needed...
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred – Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 – US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via “electioneering communications” without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
To Send Cash To: Silvia Stagg In Ft. Myers-FLA via Money Wire/Money Transfer,
- MoneyGram Cash - English Speaking: 1-800MoneyGram
- MoneyGram Cash - Spanish Speaking: 1-800-955-7777
- Western Union Cash – Telephone: 1-800-225-5227
- Western Union Cash:
- MoneyGram Cash:
Kindly email Silvia Stagg at:,
Upon sending your Contributions. Please give Silvia Stagg your Name-Address-US Citizenship-US Resident Status. Only Cash, Money Wires are Acceptable! – Thank you!
To Assist Silvia Stagg As Crime Victim Try Direct Deposit
(Bank Direct Deposit Authorization Form Attached Below)
The White European Christian Race
Is Facing Race Extinction! Contact Your Congressman and Demand As A Lawful White European Christian Race Individual, Your 'Natural Right' To Life Extension Healings!
U.S. House of Representatives - US Senate
Capitol Building
Washington District of Columbia - 20515
U.S. Capitol Switchboard
202-224-3121 & TTY: 202-225-1904 and
Public Email For Members of Congress
President George W. Bush US CENSUS
President George W. Bush US CENSUS
Silvia Stagg Is Seeking A Vice President!
Volunteer To Increase Voter-Elector Signatures To Access State Primaries - Caucuses - General Elections In All Fifty States To Win! Win! Back The White House!
Primary Campaign Websites:
Below: Prior Website Thru 2020
Without Silvia Stagg All Other Candidates No Matter The Party Bring You Death & Taxes!
Above: Photo of Reince Priebus,
RNC Chair - Trump Chief of Staff
March 31-2011 Letter From Reince Priebus
Below: Copy Available - Click-in
FEC Forms 3P, 3Z-P, End of Year,
Post General Election Summary
Filed Nov. 4-2020 & Nov. 24-2020,
w/Resubmission of Nov. 30-2020
FEC Filings-SSFPCC/FEC Committee Letter-RNC Chair Priebus Letter-USDOJ VIC.WIT. Letter-FORBES BUS. AD-NY RES.
To File Before General Election
NOV 2024 General Election!
Florida 2024 Acceptance Letters and Three FLA 2024 Ballot Access Forms Completed 6.29.2021
FEC Presidential Candidacy Filing
by REP WRI-IND Presidential
Candidate Silvia Stagg
2024 REP WRI Presidential Candidate Application for Ballot Access
Note: 2024 WRI Certificate of Candidate Not Available
2024 REP WRI Ballot Access APP by Silvia Stagg
July 12-2021 Second Request For OREGON Ballot Access
May 19-2021 First Request For OREGON Ballot Access
Between Russia/Ukraine
Please Read 4.28.2021 Letter From Silvia Stagg
To House Rep Jeff Fortenberry and Senator Rick Scott
Below: PDF File of Letter To/From Congress/Silvia Stagg
Between Russia/Ukraine
Please Read 4.28.2021 Letter From Silvia Stagg
To House Rep Jeff Fortenberry and Senator Rick Scott
Below: PDF File of Letter To/From Congress/Silvia Stagg
Articles/Commentary Citing Silvia Stagg
By: Allen Bedanko, Writer - The Public
Title: 'Don't Laugh: Buttocks 2016'
Don’t Laugh: Buttocks 2016
by Alan Bedenko / Jul. 8, 2015 4pm EST
Western New York
boasts three Presidential candidates.
Begin Quote [If you think Marco Rubio is too green, Donald Trump is too brash, and Jeb Bush is too formulaic, then Republicans ought to take a serious look at Niagara Falls’ own Silvia Stagg. At her website, she rolls through her resume, and adds,
Help me to save our endangered world and our precious and endangered White Christian European Descent Race now facing Race Extinction within One Hundred Years by making me your US President! I require Campaign Funds (US$2,500.00-US $5,000.00) Per Person Each Primary-General Election Campaign Season to Assist my Ballot Access — Televised Debate Access. Kindly Contact All Fifty US State Republican and/or Democratic Party Chairmans-Vice Chairmans and have me placed on all Primary — Caucus Ballots and Designated Republican/Democratic Presumptive Presidential Candidate. The Presidential Filing Process for Fifty State Primaries-Caucus is Honorable but Expensive and Arduous and I am your only Life Extension Candidate!
So, that seems pretty reasonable. She also claims to be a “Good Gnome Individual”, which she explains, The United States Congress authorized Silvia Stagg personally and as Owner-Permanent Senior Administrator of All Most Trusted Programsusa on/off planet to mine-clone-mint-print Currency and Coin including for the United States of America and the World for All Debts Public and Private and to Ensure the Socioeconomic Success/Stability of the Most Trusted Programs (including the privately owned/controlled Spacehubusa (and its ASAPs/Aerospace -Air Ports worldwide/on-off planet Earth)-SpaceCityusa-Moonbasesusa-Spacestionusa). Thus assuring the survival of Silvia Stagg, allowing future Good Gnome Individuals to survive and become empowered to lead society-government, and the survival of the White Christian European Descent Race, nearly driven into race extinction systematically via a history of race emasculation and disenfranchisement nationwide/worldwide by the non good gnome society/government historically in power. (Silvia Stagg is reportedly last good gnome who has been instructed since February 2002 by the United States Government to disseminate the Good Gnome into the White Christian European Descent Race (and upon brain tap-time clock inclusion study possibly some/all Minority Persons).
If Ms. Stagg doesn’t interest you, there’s Kenmore independent candidate, SEO specialist Eric Nagel. There’s no campaign presence online, but I reached out via Twitter, where he explained that he filed his paperwork “because I wanted to teach my kids (and Scouts) that anyone really can run. Democracy in action.”…
In big company: 400-plus people running for president
Partial Quote […”Over 1,000 miles away, Silvia Stagg of Miami is mounting her campaign on the niche topic of life-extension. Stagg favors expanded research and medicinal techniques in hospitals that would slow or reverse the human aging process.
Keister and Stagg represent a narrow sliver of afterthought politicians who are choosing to go head-to-head against the 17 mainstream choices thus far: Democrats Lincoln Chafee, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders, as well as Republicans Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Donald Trump.
Most filed as independents, while many are Republicans or Democrats…”] END Quote
400-plus People Running for U.S. President
ARCHIVE :: Friday, June 26, 2015 :: Staff infoZine
By Quentin Misiag – Thirteen Republicans. Four Democrats.
Washington, DC – infoZine – Scripps Howard Foundation Wire
Begin Quote [“A growing list of contenders have tossed their hats in the political ring for the 2016 race to the White House.
But the official tally spans longer than the 17 most talked-about political brands of this cycle.
Like over 400 candidates longer.
As of Thursday, 419 Americans seeking the presidency had filed a Form 2 statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. In the last week alone, 18 new candidates have joined the lineup.
Jill Stein, a 2016 Green Party presidential candidate, discusses her “Power to the People Plan” campaign platform during a press conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington. SFHWire photo by Quentin Misiag Thomas Keister, a blogger and author from Clarksville, Ind., is lighting up his long-shot White House bid on two decidedly different levels: promoting marijuana bong rips and trolling New York business magnate Donald Trump on Twitter.
Over 1,000 miles away, Silvia Stagg of Miami is mounting her campaign on the niche topic of life-extension. Stagg favors expanded research and medicinal techniques in hospitals that would slow or reverse the human aging process.
Keister and Stagg represent a narrow sliver of afterthought politicians who are choosing to go head-to-head against the 17 mainstream choices thus far: Democrats Lincoln Chafee, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders, as well as Republicans Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Donald Trump.
Most filed as independents, while many are Republicans or Democrats.
Others are far more tongue in cheek.
William Richardson of Las Vegas registered with the FEC under the Helluva Party.
Under the National Born Citizen Party, there are Christopher Strunk and Harold Van Allen, both of New York State.
There’s no deadline to file as a candidate with the FEC, but states have explicit filing deadlines so they can prepare ballots.
Politicians officially transition from presumptive to declared candidate when they send in FEC forms.
“You can file at any time, but once you raise or spend $5,000, you’re required to file,” Christian Hilland, an FEC spokesman, said.
The Constitution says presidents must be at least 35 years old when they take office and be natural born U.S. citizens.
Forty-five states and the District of Columbia allow presidential write-in candidates. Hawaii, Nevada, South Dakota, South Carolina and Oklahoma do not.
By sheer number, these underdog candidates have 2016’s most popular pols surrounded.
On the other hand, most lack the deep-pocket allies who can reel in big dollars, according to a review of FEC records.
Take Keister, 39, the founder of DasUberBlog!
“I have not raised a single dollar since declaring on Jan. 1 that I was getting into this,” said Keister, the lone candidate running in the American Marijuana Party.
Keister is one distant contender with a noticeable social media presence. He has more Twitter followers than Chaffee, the former Rhode Island senator and governor who launched his bid June 3.
Asked about which of the leading pols he and his campaign platform could beat, Keister fired off: “Most of them.”
Several, including Keister, said they plan to skip Iowa and New Hampshire, a pair of the early presidential picking states seen as crucial to locking up early voter momentum.
“I have not raised a single dollar since declaring on Jan. 1 that I was getting into this,” Keister said.
Keister’s launch came largely from what he called a prime example of government gridlock: Construction of the new Ohio River Bridges Project in greater Louisville, Ky., that was the culmination of 50 years of legal wrangling.
And if it seems that interest in running for title of America’s leading political leader has surged in recent years, that’s because it has.
The number of candidates has already surpassed the 2012 election list, when 417 people filed during the two-year presidential reporting process.
In 2004, 224 people filed as a presidential candidates. Four years later, that number grew to 367, an increase of more than 60 percent.
Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of public communication and history at American University, attributes the climb over the last four election cycles to the ease of information access spurred largely by the growth in mobile email and the “sharing society.”
“This is the sort of the media age we’re living in where everybody has a chance to tell their story,” said Steinhorn, whose expertise includes the presidency, strategic communication and the media. “Does it mean it they have a prayer to win? No, not at all.”
Although they are dark horse choices, some of these lesser-known candidates have found some success in past political pursuits.
Vermin Supreme of New Hampshire, placed third in the New Hampshire Democratic primary in 2012 with 833 votes. Supreme, who is known for wearing a boot as a hat and carrying a large toothbrush, hinged his campaign on zombie apocalypse awareness and time travel research.
“I’m not holding my breath, but I’m not discounting it either,” Stein said.
Take Jill Stein, a darling of the Green Party. On Tuesday she launched her 2016 bid in an attempt to rekindle the trail she tread four years ago.
“I’m not holding my breath, but I’m not discounting it either,” Stein, a physician, said of her pursuit, dubbed the “Power to the People Plan.” She announced in an address to reporters at the National Press Club.
Stein’s newest platform is based mainly on the Green Party New Deal, an ambitious road map for domestic energy independence. It would provide millions of jobs by transitioning to 100 percent clean renewable energy by 2030, she said.
And then there’s Stagg, who said political alliances with high-level Republicans are the necessary backbone for gaining real political traction.
Stagg said she has spent years courting Rubio, Paul and Fiorina at conservative meet-ups, including the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.
But now, she says she’s ready to take them on in her own attempt to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
“I have Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, who will never institute socioeconomic programs,” Stagg, a backer of raising the U.S. minimum wage equal to an annual salary of $100,000, said. “It’s easy to say, ‘Hi how are you, Hillary?’ and before you know it, they’ve got your cash in their hand.”
Should her bid take hold, Stagg said she would make the American dollar the worldwide currency, enact a flat federal income tax of 10 percent and work to eliminate poverty in the U.S.
While many long-shot choices have kept to establishing their brands on social media exclusively, some, including Arthur Herbert Brooks Jr., have created websites to help foster a stronger following.
His site has all the basics of a typical online presidential presence. A tagline, “Everyday People for America,” is clearly defined, and donation tabs and an official campaign announcement video dot the page.
However, the website features stock images and incomplete details, including broken links.
In his June 8 filing to the FEC, Paul DeLong of Williamsport, Pa., outlined his former job as a grassroots team leader. He claimed he is a veteran campaign operative for the Bush political family.
In a letter to FEC officials, DeLong said: “I feel that I am more than capable of running my own campaign at this time once I announce myself to some Republican Committees. I am hoping that one of them may pick me up.”
In the face of disappointing support, at least one politician has decided to pull out of the pursuit.
Brian Cole, a Pennsylvania Republican who rolled out his 2016 presidential plan five years ago, recently disbanded the endeavor.
Cole said he will now direct his attention to becoming a U.S. ambassador to Iceland, Chile, Spain, Norway or Madagascar.
But with party names such as American Marijuana Party and Democratic-Farm-Labor, these far less known candidates say they’ve got some political bite to them and aren’t backing down.
At least, not yet.
“The only problem I have is getting myself a vice president,” Stagg said.”
End Article – End Quote
CPAC2015 Photographic Record
CPAC2015 LONGSHOTS w/Photos of Silvia Stagg!
Together, We an Overcome True Anarchy In These United States of America and the World! Your Donations Are Needed For Silvia Stagg Congressional - Federal Victim-Witness On National Security Issues, and Republican Presidential Candidate WRI - IND! - Silvia Stagg
Informal Sunny Isles Speech Introducing Most Trusted Programs and Murderous Obama Presidency
By Silvia Stagg
Below: To Access Video Click RED Below:
Silvia Stagg has shared the following video:
Silvia Stagg Republican Candidate
For US President 2012 - 2048!
For US President 2012 - 2048!
I am a National Security Victim Witness, and US Presidential Candidate. Since August 4-2011 to date, I am filed with the FEC/Federal Election Commission, and the US Office of Government Ethics. I am your only Life Extension Candidate Who Will Utilize For Our Betterment, Defense and Posterity Our National Security Protected Advanced EMS/Pentagon Technologies Per Most Trusted Programs. The National Security Interests/Problems of the White European Christian Race are known by all major Political Party Candidates. Yet, due to lack of Courage and Fortitude and Moral Muster, these Often Wealthy Well Known Candidates who Become 'Anarchist Moles' Refuse to Acknowledge and Protect Your Natural Rights, Constitutional Rights, and Human Rights. As the Founding Race of the United States of America Your Franchisement Rights Can Never Be Legally Given Away Nor changed to Suit Anyone's Design On America's Demographics! Due to Illegal Brain Tap - time Clock Inclusion Oppression and Voter Done Suppression, the White European Christian Race has been forced to Financially Support and Vote for Inferior Presidential and Congressional Candidates, unlike myself, to ensure the Destruction of the White European Christian Race worldwide.
The Caucasian Race regardless of Religion/Culture have a Natural Right Life Span of 120 Years minimum which should INCREASE with Infrastructure! Yet, under the Dictatorships of Obama - Biden, and now Biden - Harris, the destruction of the White European Christian Race via continued historical systematic forms of Emasculation and Disenfranchisement resulting in Race Extinction is assured! I am your only Presidential Candidate and Good Gnome Individual who for over twenty years have been complaining of these issues, a FEC Filed Candidate since AUG. 4- 2012! A well known saying from a learned man whose name escapes me presently, once stated, "Democracy is only as good as its people!" (Citizenry and Government). Unfortunately, our Government is filled with CORRUPTED IINDIVIDUALS such as former Dictator President William Jefferson Clinton known for his involvement in worldwide HUMAN TRAFFICKING and MASS MURDER! Our lives look bleak, but we can and must change these dangerous people from accessing our ballots of government and civil service! VOTE OUT Corruption! The Best of our White European Christian Race Souls of both the Republican and Democratic Parties must Unite and take positive lawful action - support and vote for Silvia Stagg For President nationwide!
My nickname 'Most Trusted' was given to me by the United States Department of Justice Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI/Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller after investigating myself, and my complaint and reviewing my handwriting and the content analysis of my submissions to the US Dept. of Justice. A designation I am proud of, you can be sure!
While working on my Black Ops Technology Abuse Victim Witness Case and REP WRI Presidential Campaign for fifteen years residing in Niagara Falls, NY while torture hunted, my beloved mother provided me with housing. During that time, I became a Church Choir Member and Church Reader for Two Catholic Churches and an Episcopal Church. Eventually, I completed Catechism, and was Baptized Catholic and Confirmed as a Catholic at Holy Family's Churches: Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Joseph on April 3-2010.
Being a member of the well known Benitez-Rexach family of Puerto Rico, I was born in Brooklyn New York (Kings County) on July 27-1957. I am one quarter German, Polish, Puerto Rican/Spanish and French. For one year each, I lived in Puerto Rico and Mexico as a child. For Five years I was married to the son of a former Consulate General-Charge D'Affairs to Manhattan-New York City from Panama, Juan Antonio Stagg. My mother, 'Marion' graduated Valedictorian from St. Anne's Parochial High School and unlike her brother completed two years of Business College and became a Businesswoman who owned a garment factory in China Town-Manhattan-New York. During the late 1960s, after selling her Garment Factory, my mother was later employed for one year by the FDA/Food and Drug Administration in Washington-DC, while my step-father was a US Secret Service Agent at the White House for Lyndon Baines Johnson.
My uncle, mother's brother, graduated with honors from Princeton University-New Jersey and retired from the lifelong position of Post Master from the US Postal Services Cherry Hill-New Jersey, and his first daughter followed in his footsteps graduating from Princeton University with Honors! In 1992, before realizing I was a National Security Victim Witness, I continued developing my Photography-Art Studio, advertising in a fair amount of publications, including Forbes Magazine 2/1993. My business closed down January 1995, forcing me to dedicate myself to fighting against the injustices of Black Ops Technology abuses.
Help me to save our endangered world and our precious and endangered White Christian European Descent Race subjected to historical heinous processes of various forms of systematic Emasculation and Disenfranchisement resulting in Race Extinction! By 2050, the Bush US Census states, "By 2050 the White Race will no longer be a factor in the population of the United States." This is a worldwide trend for the Caucasian Race given 120 years of Natural Lifespan by our Creator. However, Pentagon EMS Weaponry is being used by our very corrupt USA Government especially targeting the White European Christian Race for Race Extinction. Pentagon Black Ops technology is altering our beloved White European Christian Race Installing Genetically Predetermined Physical Health Problems and Cognitive and Personality Health Problems, Premature Aging as well as Changes in one's Personality, Personal Identity including Sexual Orientation-Preferences, and causing Infertility, Birth Defects and all the FACETS of a human being altered to ensure that each of us are less socioeconomically successful than we would have been if left alone to be conceived by our natural parents whose genetics were most likely well. All of us have been subjected to Genetic Identity Alterations on various levels effecting our Performance. The very wealthiest of us have the least harmful alterations, but the best of them are made to suffer - and evil inhabits our US Congress and Presidencies!
Kindly Assist me to obtain a worthy Vice President, Increased Registered Voter-Elector Signature Petition Completion and Delivery to the Fifty SOS/Secretaries of State Directors of Division or Board of Elections along with Increased Voter Doner Contributions, either as Federal Victim Witness or Presidential Candidate. Unfortunately, the last Campaign - General Election Seasons 2012-2016-2020 to date we are suffering Suppression of Voter Doner Contributions! Demand and Choose Better Candidates - Not Candidates Who Sell You Out To Foreign Interest!
With your Doner - Voter Support We Can Still Reverse The Illegal Artificial Change in Our Demographics. Good Government wants me, your last good gnome to try to reach out to you, the White European Christian Race worldwide and motivate us together to end heinous and systematic Emasculation and Disenfranchisement of our White European Christian Race leading to Race Extinction by Corrupt and Cruel Psychotic Congressional Members and Presidents abusing USA Pentagon EMS Technologies via a worldwide Mole Network to torture hunt us to death!
God Bless Our Beloved White European Christian Race and Our Beloved Countries worldwide!
Silvia Stagg
A Good Gnome Individual
Congressional - Federal Victim Witness On National Security
Filed Since 1994 with USDOJ-FBI-USSS-US Congress-US Attorneys, USDOJ, USDOJ AG, et al, etc.
US Republican-WRI-IND Candidate
Filed FEC/Federal Election Commission
US Office of Government Ethics
since August 4-2011
September 2014 Aventura Mall - Forever 21!
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
19451 South Tamiami Trail Suite - 12 Box 75
FT MYERS - FLA 33908
2012 - 2016 - 2024 Posted FEC Candidate Information
Presidential Planet Management Programs
Please Review Former President
George W. Bush US Census!
Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs by Silvia Stagg
Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs Created by Silvia Stagg
Google (Direct Web Access)
Blogger (Must Have Blog, Be Allowed)
1) Facebook Address: silvia.stagg.1
2) To Access Time Line For Silvia Stagg:
3) To Send Email To Silvia Stagg: @ silvia_stagg @ Silvia Stagg2 @ silvia.stagg.1
Prior Websites Some Still Receiving Postings @ silvia stagg
Your Campaign Contributions
Are Always Necessary!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred – Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 – US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via “electioneering communications” without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
To Send Cash To: Silvia Stagg in Miami Florida
(Dade County) via Money Wire/Money Transfer,
(Dade County) via Money Wire/Money Transfer,
- MoneyGram Cash - English Speaking: 1-800MoneyGram
- MoneyGram Cash - Spanish Speaking: 1-800-955-7777
- Western Union Cash – Telephone: 1-800-225-5227
- Western Union Cash:
- MoneyGram Cash:
Kindly email Silvia Stagg at:
Upon sending your Contributions. Please give Silvia Stagg your Name-Address-US Citizenship-US Resident Status. Only Cash, Money Wires are Acceptable! – Thank you!
Support NASA and Space X US Aerospace Missions
Below: 1960's United States NASA Astronauts Moon Mission First Humans To Walk The Moon!
Below: Many Staff of Space X Are Former NASA!
Commander In Chief - President Dwight D. Eisenhower
"The People of the World truly want Peace, someday, the Governments of the World, are going to have to give it to Them."
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